Thursday 3 April 2014

Self Thoughts

Okay, this post is a little random but I've been wanting to talk about this so here it goes...
We often tell people not to judge others so why is it okay to judge ourselves?
We scrutinize everything about ourselves from personality to looks.
We see things others don't but have you ever thought it can also be said by others can see things we don't, You may think of yourself as over sensitive, clingy and quiet while others see you in a different light, They see you as a compassionate, caring and reserved human being.

We all like to point out flaws whether it be freckles, scars, maybe you think you have floppy ears or your nose is to big, but to other people it doesn't stand out like a sore thumb and as much as you think people are pointing out that zit on your chin or that scar on your leg, they aren't.

If you took a minute each day and told yourself that you are beautiful and point out what you like about yourself your confidence would boost through the roof.

- Kimberly

Wednesday 20 March 2013

How to survive high school

High school may seem scary at first but it's really not. I know that before I went to high school I was terrified I thought it was going to be something like the movie mean girls! But trust me it's the total opposite.So for all of you freshman don't be scared!

At first the school may seem big, you may get lost and have to ask for help but that's ok! I know for the first 2 month's of the school year I had to carry around the school map which is kind of sad because my school is really small (:

From watching Mean girls, Glee, Napoleon Dynamite and all of those other high school movies/shows I was expecting high school to be horrible but it's actually the opposite I mean the classes are a lot harder and you do get a lot more homework but you're actually treated like an adult and you get freedom.
people always told me high school wasn't something to look forward to, but  it's your last few years in school why not spend it having fun.

There is always that one thing people are worried about BULLYING. I know there are so many anti-bullying clubs at my school but some how it still happens. We always say that if we see someone being bullied we would stand up to the bully but sometimes that's not always the best idea because you could end up getting hurt. My advice to you is that if you see someone being bullied  help the the person being bullied either stand up to the bully or go tell a teacher/adult.

- try to make new friends
-always be nice to others even if there rude to you, still give them a smile.
-make good first impressions.
-don't forget about your old friends.
-be organised and don't procrastinate.
-don't get involved with the wrong crowd (druggies, partyers)

Good luck!
XOXO, Kimberly

First date do's and don'ts

Dating is always a scary thing especially if you've never been on a date before, But there's nothing to be afraid of as long as you follow these do's and don'ts.

- Don't go to the movies, I've learned from experience going to the movies for a first date is not always good, your sitting beside each other in pure silence for 2 hours.Try going out to eat instead.
- Do talk about something the other person is interested in.
-Don't text while on a date, I know it's a force of habit to always check your phone but the other person may see it as you ignoring them or being rude.
-Do listen to what the other person is saying.
-Don't talk about yourself to much it might make you seem conceited .
-Do give eye contact, that may sound weird but trust me its not, you may not realize it but while on a date you may tend to look away because your shy or nervous but there's no reason to be because you're both on the same boat!(:

With these simple tips dating will be easy, Good luck!
XOXO, Kimberly


Hi guys! so this is my first post on this blog and i'm pretty much just going to be posting whatever I want on here like fashion, advice, DIY's pretty much every thing(: